After the show

We’ve uploaded a video of the live performance on the 13th of June at The Emporium, and a compilation of the preprocessed shots. You’ll need the silverlight plugin to play them. Links: Live Show Compilation of preprocessed shots The feedback we got from the audience was positive, ranging from people describing feelings of being in … Continue reading

Shooting and Processing

I have been gathering footage with a cheap and small standard DV camera around Stokes Croft over the last few weeks. It has been uncomfortable at times, particularly the evenings of the weekends. There are some evenings where it really doesn’t feel right to be seen filming people arguing or stumbling around. The area has … Continue reading

The shape of the performance

All images punctuating this post are stills from footage processed for the show at The Emporium. Background Back in the 1990s I performed a series of live film improvisations with Robert Johnson and Tony Woodhead under the name ‘Deconstructed Cinema’. This is the first time since then that I have felt it was correct to … Continue reading

Live digital film improvisation

Anna Flack and I work together as filmmakers, installation artists and improvisational musicians, and we will perform a one off improvised sound and digital film performance at The Emporium on the 13th and 14th of June.  The theme and content of the work we plan to perform will be directly inspired by the immediate area … Continue reading